Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chemo Round 2: Score: Peg 2 Cancer 0

Having good days with the family, planting, playing. Good news- no bad hair days! Who knew I had such a perfect head:) Oh...and I don't have to shave my legs...for those special occasions.
Working on my "Bucket List"...
1. see sunrise on the Atlantic- check
2. see my family restored- check
3. CIGNA hospice team and honorary member reunion- check
4. Free Starbuck ice cream and M&M's on the internet- check
41/2- Go for a 5 mile bike ride- September
5. see sun rise on Atlantic and set on the Pacific in same day- January 2010
6. go to New York City
7. see Wicked
8. Hike Machu Picchu - Peru
9. RAGBRAI- Bike ride across Iowa, eat pie:)
10. hike and take pictures at Havasupai...finally
11. oh yea...go back to work!
Gonna be busy...

1 comment:

  1. Peg, you really look good.....but, Randy still has hair? I somehow expected to see "Bald Lovers". ; )
